Sudhan Bhattarai

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Warm Greetings,

I’m a master’s student of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Colorado State University-Pueblo (CSU-P). I'm also working as a Graduate Assistant at CSU-P. I will be graduating in May 2021. I completed my undergraduate study in Industrial Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2017. Following are the areas of my research interest:

I like programming. I primarily use Gurobi for optimization and Python for data science & machine learning. I also use other languages based on requirements of the problem. My sample projects are listed in GitHub Repositories .

Moreover, I am a learner. I prefer to work in a demanding environment as it helps me to reinforce my creativity. Furthermore, I enjoy exploring new problems, underlying challenges, and solution techniques. Also, knowledge sharing is a passion for me and I am always looking forward to build a good coordination with my teammates. I have confidence on my capabilities, my learning attitude, my leadership quality, my endurance, and my willingness to put my best efforts on work. In other words, I'm confident that I can accomplish anything I desire from deep within.

Apart from my professional/academic life, I enjoy sports. Football (soccer) is my favorite. For recreation, I mostly spend time with friends, go to the gym, go out on hikes, and also play video games. Last but not least, I like to be around friendly people with a good sense of humor. Please browse my profile to find more of my details.

Thank you for visiting my website.